Thursday, October 15, 2009


How many times has your alarm gone off on a Sunday morning and you hit snooze and began thinking of reasons to stay in bed and skip church?
{I think} my throat is a little sore. I stayed up too late last night. I’ve been going non-stop for a week; I need a break. I can read my bible at home and get as much as I would get at church. (And yes, those excuses came way too easy to me while writing this.)

Now, how many times have you gone ahead and gotten up and felt fine…not tired at all? Probably most of them if you didn’t let the excuses win.

Think about how tired Paul must have been as he travelled. Think about how tired he was while in prison. Nothing stopped him from telling others about Jesus. He knew that God would sustain him with what he needed to continue.

We are a society that is caught up in the captivity of activity. We feel we must be busy or we are failing. Perhaps the reason that we are craving “busy-ness” is really because God is causing us to feel a craving for Him; we just will not stop long enough to listen.

Redirect your focus to seek God first and He will direct your paths (Matt 6:33).

Rethink your motivation. Are you trying to please people or God? (Gal 1:10)

Rest in God’s will (Heb 4:10) “Anyone who enters God’s rest also rest from his own work.”

And “Whatever you do, do it all for the Glory of God!” (1 Cor. 10:31)

I have the above for lines written on an index card on my cubicle wall at work. I see them every day.

Additionally I have the following verse right above my computer monitor. We really need to pray for our nation!

If my people who are called by my name will humbles themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and heal their land.

Don’t let excuses and complications keep you from you going to church and hearing God’s word for you that day.

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